Every Moment Counts

In our lives as adults, moments come and go, but only few of such moments are utilized to add value to our lives. In fact, in most cases we just carry on as if they are just ordinary moments that are meant to be ignored. But, the truth is, those moments in which we perform our daily routines actually shape our lives and the lives of our children.

To children both in and outside the classroom, all the activities that make up their daily lives are just successions of ordinary moments. This is because to them, the concept of time and future events are too abstract for them to comprehend. But as they unfold, they begin to make sense of the world around them. These ordinary moments also begin to have permanent impression on their young minds. It is at this point that teachers and particularly, foundation teachers and educators come in to help them utilize these ordinary moments very well in order to succeed. They do this by recognizing these moments and providing conducive environments that will challenge the children to explore their world positively.

Sandra Duncan wrote “The beauty of life is captured in everyday moments”. She suggested that children in the classroom can be provided with the following to help make their ordinary moments counts:

Curiosity Table: A Moment of Invitation

The goal of the Curiosity Table is to provide a moment of invitation—to provoke children’s interest, stimulate curiosity about the interesting objects placed there, and ignite their minds and bodies so they experience a moment of invitation into the classroom.  It is a table placed at the entrance of the classroom. It must be visible to all and also, mind capturing. The Curiosity Table is an invitation to come in . . . an invitation to actively engage . . . an invitation to discover. A collection of natural and old fashioned objects are usually fascinating to children. They would always want to explore them.

A typical Curiosity Table in early childhood classroom


Soft Cosy Couch: A Moment to Pause

Warm and inviting welcome areas give opportunities to pause. These comfy and soft areas are especially effective when positioned near the classroom doorway and can be used as an invitation to come in. They also send the signal that families are valued and children are appreciated by acknowledging the importance of the transition from home to school.  Setting out children’s portfolios, family photos, and displays where children can see current topics and interests in the classroom provide meaningful connections for talking and sharing ideas with their friends and family.

                                                          A moment to Pause


Welcome & Goodbye Rituals: A Moment to Connect

One of the common everyday moments in a classroom is welcoming children into the classroom and saying goodbye at the end of the day. These are perfect times to capture the power of a moment. Welcome stones, walking sticks and family blocks can be used to show moments of connections between the home and the school.

        A moment to connect


Take your time and look inward in order to discover ways to make everyday moments of the children count.

For more tips on how to make everyday moments of children count, click here to enrol for our Montessori Diploma Programmes.

Do you also want to become a certified Early Childhood Montessori Professional, Trainer or Consultant internationally? Click here to find out how.


4th June, 2018.

Adamu Salihu Sogiji

Trainee Relations Officer, Kaduna Centre.

IMTTI, India – Nigeria.